sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009

Isto explica mesmo muita coisa..

"Pop Quiz" no Facebook: "Which side of your brain is dominant?"

"You use both sides equally. (Read description.)

Right brain individual: Right brain individuals are intuitive, creative and imaginative. They are flexible and are concerned with the bigger picture rather than details. They are impulsive and spontaneous and do not like time limits. They have difficulty explaining ideas verbally and prefer illustrations to verbal instructions. Careers: Architects, Artists, Salespeople, Psychiatrists, Musicians, Politicians, Teachers. (Interpersonal, Emotional, Musical, Spiritual, Talker.) Left brain individuals are analytical, articulate and to the point. They like identifying details and are more logical than intuitive. Left brained people have good communication and persuasion skills. Careers: Engineers, Systems Analysts, Technicians, Accountants, Librarians. (Administration, Conservative, Organization, Planner, Structure.)"

Eu sabia, eu bem sabia que algo não estava certo. Seria da meningite aguda aos seis meses? Talvez? Seria da gatunagem declarada de nutrientes do cordão umbilical pela larápia da minha irmã nos idos tempos de "room-sharing" no ventre materno?
Seria apenas da parvoíce inata? Talvez.
Mas pelo menos agora, tenho um teste "científico" altamentre crível que me redime.
Uiii, o que vou dormir bem esta noite!
Eu e os meus dois lados cerebrais equitativamente activos!

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