sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2008

Are you talking to me?

(George Costanza and Jerry Seinfeld, na série homónima)
George: It's just not good.
Jerry: It's not good.
George: I'm bored. She's boring. I'm boring. We're both boring.
We go out to eat, we both read newspapers.
Jerry: Well, breakfast, everybody reads.
George: No, Lunch, we read. Dinner: we read.
Jerry: You read during lunch?
George: Yeah.
Jerry: Oh, well.
George: Nothing to talk about.
Jerry: Well, what's it to talk about?
George: Well, at least you and I are talking about there's nothing to talk about.
Jerry: Why don't you talk with her about how there's nothing to talk about?
George: She knows there's nothing to talk about.
Jerry: At least, she'll be talking.
George: Oh, shut up.
(Seinfeld, série 5, episódio 16, "The Stand-In")

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Esta conversa está genial :)

*um dia venho cá roubar*


Luisa* (sobrinha da mana vivi)

Vanessa disse...

Olá Luisinha...oiço falar mt de ti moça, já sei que gostaste deste meu "mar" e até o adicionaste no teu blog. Many thanks. Tenho de ir fazer-te uma visita ao teu tb.
Beijinhos da mana da Vivi.