quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009

Cotação de mercado

Alan: When did you become a people cynical?
Megan: When I realised that it wasn't an option, but the Answer.
Alan: Oh...I see.
Megan: Do you?
Alan: Yeah, you got hurt. Or you had a bad shag. Loosen up. Sex is overrated
Megan:Well, love is even more.
Alan: You're someting else, you know that?
Megan: Your words, not mine.
Alan: You are, you're amazing. But you surely hear that all the time. You've heard that before, haven't you?
Megan: Yes.
Alan: See...don't you feel good about that?
Megan: No, not really.
Alan: I think it's cool. Why didn't you like it?
Megan: He lied.

3 comentários:

fercris77 disse...

Bem citado...o que é o cinismo? Olha que o MAssis explora isso muito a fundo nas suas obras.

Vanessa disse...

Não é citado. É mesmo meu.

alma-em-4-corpos disse...

simple but powerfull