terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2007

Wise up...

(capa do filme Magnolia de Paul Thomas Anderson, 1999)
"Wise up
It's not..
what you thought...
When you first...
began it.
You got...
what you want...
Now you can hardly stand it,
though,By now you know,
it's not going to stop...I
t's not going to stop...
It's not going to stop,
Till you wise up.
You're sure... there's a cure...
And you have finally found it.
You think... one drink...
Will shrink you to... your underground
And living down, but it's not going to stop...
It's not going to stop...
It's not going to stop,
Till you wise up.
Prepare a list for what you need,
Before you sign away the deed,'
Cause it's not going to stop...
It's not going to stop...
It's not going to stop,
Till you wise up.
No, it's not going to stop,
Till you wise up.
No, it's not going to stop,
So just give up."
Aimee Mann

Parece que a estou a ouvir...e a ver o filme... que é belíssimo... e depois aquela chuva de sapos... e o compasso do piano que viaja connosco pela música...

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

ultimamente tenh ouvido falar mt nesse filme...acreditas q n vi...mas claro q agora vou ver...Bjinhos

didicas disse...

por incrivel k seja tenho o filme em casa ha ja algum tempos e ainda não vi......... nem pareco eu mas a realidade e esta.....beijocas